The Institute of Technical Physics (ITEP) is an organizational unit of the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) in the Helmholtz Association (HGF).

The central fields of activity of the ITEP are superconductivity and cryogenics with their applications. The main focus of technical developments is currently on nuclear fusion and superconducting components for power- and magnet technology. The development of superconductors, especially high-temperature superconductors, cryogenic components and the characterization of low-temperature structural materials are also essential for this.

The work of the ITEP is application-oriented, but is accompanied by fundamental developments to the necessary extent. In the medium and long term, they are involved in national collaborative projects, virtual institutes, EU projects and cooperation with industry.

In the long term, the work of the ITEP is anchored in the "Fusion", "Storage and Networked Infrastructures" and "Matter and Universe" programmes of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.



Important links

Symbolbild Forschung am ITEP: Kabeltests KIT
Symbolbild: Teamarbeit am ITEP. Link zu Ansprechpartnern und Ansprechpartnerinnen
Contact persons
Symbolbild Verlinkung zu den Stennenageboten am ITEP
Job offers
Außenansicht Energylab 2.0
Research at Energy Lab
Symbolbild Studium und Lehre am ITEP: Doktorhut
Schülerlabor am Institut für Technische Physik (ITEP): Tutor und Schülerin experimentieren
School lab


Logo IEEE Pels und Profilbild Giovanni De CarneITEP
Election of professor De Carne as a member of IEEE administrative committee

Prof. Giovanni De Carne was elected as Member at Large for the IEEE Power Electronics Society Administrative Committee (AdCom). The AdCom role is to strategically steer the IEEE Power Electronics Society, electing the president and vice-presidents, and interact with the society’s members.

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Vorbereitung einer HTS Bandleiterbeschichtung auf hochtexturierten IBAD Metallbandsubstraten im Rahmen der KIT- CERN Kollaboration KC4KIT
Annual report: Highlights 2023

A lot happened at the Institute of Technical Physics in 2023. Get an overview of the highlights or read the full report here.

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LH2 Schriftzug mit Wasser gefüllt als Symbolbild für FlüssigwasserstoffITEP
Liquid hydrogen – an overview

Liquid hydrogen (LH₂) offers great potential for a sustainable and efficient hydrogen economy in Germany. However, the technology is still largely unknown. But what exactly is so interesting about this cryogenic liquid? We have summarized the most important facts for you.

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