
Mr. Kai Walter studied Material science and engineering at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF) in Saxony, Germany and received his diploma there in 2021. During his studies, he specialized on material characterization especially by means of X-Ray diffraction (XRD) but also electron microscopy (SEM & TEM, EDX & EBSD). The material science education of TUBAF familiarized him with a wide range of material such as ferrous and none-ferrous metals & intermetallics, hard coatings, superconductors, ceramics and composite materials.

His diploma thesis on Ta additions in Nb3Sn opened the door for superconductors to him. Sticking to the subject of superconductors, he decided to apply for a PhD program at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany. Here he currently is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Technical Physics (ITEP) under Prof. Bernhard Holzapfel. His work revolves around finding ways to characterize defects such as oxygen vacancies, dislocations, stacking faults and nanoparticles in REBa2Cu3O7-δ (REBCO) thin films. Therein a special focus on non-destructive methods such as inductive measurements and XRD is put. These methods lay the ground work for industrial quality insurance to produce long length of high quality REBCO tapes and enable the spread of superconducting applications.

Jan Evett's SuST Award 2024

Kai Walter received 3rd place at theASC (Applied Superconductivity Conference) 2024 for the Jan Evetts SuST Award for young researchers in the field of development and application of superconducting technologies.

Award ceremony at the ASC 2024

Publication list

Grain boundaries in Fe(Se,Te) thin films
Hänisch, J.; Iida, K.; Walter, K.; Tokatlidis, S.; Yamauchi, Y.; Hatano, Takafumi; Guo, Z.; Gao, H.; Shi, H.; Tokuta, S.; Holzapfel, B.; Hata, S.; Yamamoto, A.; Ikuta, H.
2025, February 15. 2nd Iron-based Superconductors: Advances towards applications (IBS2app 2025), Miyazaki, Japan, February 13–15, 2025
Structural analysis and transport properties of [010]-tilt grain boundaries in Fe(Se,Te)
Iida, K.; Yamauchi, Y.; Hatano, T.; Walter, K.; Holzapfel, B.; Hänisch, J.; Guo, Z.; Gao, H.; Shi, H.; Tokuta, S.; Hata, S.; Yamamoto, A.; Ikuta, H.
2024. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 25, Article no: 2384829. doi:10.1080/14686996.2024.2384829