X-ray structure analysis
For structural characterization of powders, targets, layers and bulk samples the following analysis is available:
- Bruker D8 Advanced either in classical Bragg-Brentano geometry for powder diffraction or in parallel beam geometry, both with 45x sample changer. Texture measurements can be performed with an Euler cradle. Furthermore, it is possible to heat samples under inert gas up to 1200°C.
- Seifert 3000 in classical Bragg-Brentano geometry for powder diffratometry. In addition, reflectivity measurements can be carried out to determine the coating thickness.
- Rigaku Smart Lab can be operated in
(1) classical Bragg-Brentano geometry for powder samples (phase ID and quantitative analysis),
(2) parallel beam optics for thin films samples (e.g. film thickness, rocking curve, reciprocal space mapping)
(3) small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) optics for nano-scale samples
- Phase contents by Rietveld analysis (Software Topas)
- Texture Analysis