Short Course 2 (Large Scale)
Mathias Noe Professor, KIT
Tabea Arndt Professor, KIT ITEP
Chiarasole Fiamozzi Zignani Dr, ENEA C.R. Frascati
Bertrand Baudouy CEA Paris-Saclay
Superconducting Power Transmission Cables for Sustainable energy Transition
Mathias Noe, KIT, Germany
Superconducting cables have been successfully developed until a voltage of 300 kV and a current up to several kA. Especially at medium voltages, several cables have demonstrated that they fulfil all technical operational requirements. A few projects are going on to develop superconducting cables for high voltages and long term tests. The energy transition towards a high degree of renewables requires several 10.000 kilometers of new distribution and transmission lines in Germany. Due to the high current density of superconducting cables and their compact design they offer in some locations a very attractive cable system in comparison to conventional technology.
This session gives an introduction to the general design of superconducting cables, shows their benefits and challenges and gives an overview on the general design of superconducting cables. Several examples of real installations are given as well. The presentation ends with an overview on the different applications of superconducting cables, the state of the art and future perspectives.
Rotating Machineries Based on Superconducting Materials
Tabea Arndt, KIT, Germany
First, we will derive the basic equation for dimensioning a rotating machine and discuss limitations and pitfalls. Then the opportunities and challenges in using (high-temperature) superconductors in rotating machines will be identified and discussed for different machine topologies (developed by research groups worldwide) and for selected applications. Superconducting rotating machines have to be evaluated with respect to specific power density, compactness, cooling options, material properties and specific requirements. Finally, we will consider the impact of the increased role of (liquid) hydrogen as an energy vector and recent developments with 2G-HTS. Quench detection and protection schemes in large scale applications Cryogenic systems engineering for LTS and HTS large-scale devices.
Quench detection and protection schemes in large scale applications
Chiarasole Fiamozzi Zignani, ENEA, Italy
In this session the notions and the working principles of the quench detection and protection of superconducting magnets for large scales applications will be introduced, along with their requirements. An overview will be given of the standard solutions adopted for the superconducting magnets of magnetic-confinement fusion reactors and high-energy-physics accelerators. Alternative or under development methods for quench detection will be discussed and reasons for their search explained. While in fusion magnets, due to the large stored energy, quench protection is based on external energy extraction, other quench protection methods have been developed by the scientific community, and will be here presented and compared.
Cryogenic systems engineering for LTS and HTS large-scale devices
Bertrand Baudouy, CEA Paris-Saclay, France
This session presents the different cryogenic cooling methods used to operate, small to large-scale, HTS to LTS, superconducting systems from the smallest pick-up coils for medical application to the world’s biggest magnets or detectors for high-energy physics. The lectures are intended for physicists and engineers working in the areas applied superconductivity, and interested in cryogenic heat and mass transfer principles related to cooling technology used for superconducting magnet and other systems. For each of cooling method and technology, the courses will present the concept, the reasons for using it and the strategy of implementation within the superconducting applications considered. For each case, one or two examples will be detailed. This lecture covers the different cooling methods of superconducting systems, such as conduction, bath, forced flow, circulation loops, heat pipes with cryogen and cryocoolers as cold source.