Contributions which fall in the List of Topics are welcome and will be reviewed by the program board. The workshop will consist of invited and contributed oral and poster presentations, and will consist of about 80 attendees. All abstracts on coated conductor topics are welcome and will be considered in the available frame of the workshop.
Submissions for oral and poster presentations should include an abstract of not more than 300 words, presenter's full name, and complete contact information. This electronic submission should be in the form of a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman font, 10 pt., centered title and names, bold title. Please follow strictly the rules.
Title bolded, 16 point type, centered
Author name: 10 point type, centered, in bold font
Author's affiliation and full address: 8 point type, centered, italicized
Author's telephone, fax and e-mail address: 8 point type, centered, italicized
Abstract: The body of your abstract begins here. It should be an explicit summary of the paper that states the problem, the methods used, and the major results and conclusions. Do not include scientific or engineering symbols, acronyms, numbers, bullets or lists inside the abstract. Please keep the abstract to 300 words.
Abstract should be submitted by e-mail to cca2012 ∂ itep kit edu.
The file name should be Authors name followed a synonym for the document type and by the title: Example: Goldacker_A new design of CC-cable All abstracts will be printed into the program book to be distributed to participants at the workshop. TWo-Page extended abstracts After notification of acceptance, a two-page extended abstract should be submitted with similar name style: Example: Goldacker_A new design of CC-cable_Ext The template for extended abstracts is available for download as Microsoft Word (doc) format. At least one author of each presented contribution must be registered at the Workshop.
The two-page extended abstracts will be assambled as Workshop Proceedings and will be provided
Late-breaking results may be sent to cca2012 ∂ itep kit edu for consideration.
on the CCA 2012 homepage for download as soon as possible.